Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Sorry to all who are so offended by others who are fans of a certain football player. It must be awful for you that people like a decent person and you can't handle it. It must also be awful that your girlfriend thinks he's cute. That probably really adds to your hatred. Also adding to the hatred is the fact that he makes millions a year. Have you seen that website dedicated to a pose coined by his name? He also has a plaque at this college in Florida he went to with a speech he gave while he was a student-athlete engraved on it. He even flies to 3rd world countries to give clean water, medicine, and food to starving children. He's led his NFL team to 7 wins out of its last 9 games. I bet you still hate him. Good for you. It must make you feel great to spend time disliking someone so much that your status updates on Facebook are themed around wanting a quarterback to lose the game. Remember your girlfriend who thinks he’s cute? Get off Facebook and take her out to dinner. She thinks you’re really weird spending all this time online talking about some guy you don’t even like. Haven't you heard? Misery loves company. So, start spending time hating who she hates: anyone she thinks is prettier than she is.


Good thing it was cold recently in Iowa. Six flavors of vanilla needed to chill.

How does vanilla sound? Pretty good. How about low-fat vanilla? Too much soft-serve last week? Maybe this week you're in the mood for sugar-free vanilla frozen yogurt. What's that in the back of the freezer section — vanilla with freezer burn? Well, if it's the last carton, guess we have no other choice. Since all the other popular flavors with actual substance are unavailable, vanilla it is. All served in the same red bowl.

Wait. What's that? A choice that everyone is afraid to try because they know it will be so good? Well, if you hurry to the store, a pint-sized container of Jon Huntsman Jubilee is in the back of the freezer. It might take a while to find, as it's behind all the vanilla no one really wants to bring home.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Why Herman Cain Should Hire Jagger to Run His Campaign

“Oh, time is on my side, yes it is
Time is on my side, yes it is.”
The Rolling Stones

Time. It can be such an enemy or a true friend. It can pass quickly, or seem to drag on longer than one would wish. Apparently, for the Rolling Stones in 1964, time was an ally. Today, for presidential hopeful Herman Cain, time is the former CEO’s boss. As sexual harassment claims from at least 2 women become public, will time be good to the Cain campaign? By spending the last few days saying that he had no knowledge of a settlement, then explaining the alleged sexual harassment, then accusing Perry’s campaign of leaking the settlement, Cain needs to spend the next few days wisely using his time. Quiet time. His supporters are even more behind him than ever, while those who never planned on voting for Cain are hoping he will drop out of the race. Or perhaps, this story will not amount to much as Cain continues on the trail towards the presidency. Only time will tell. As Mick Jagger once sang,

“You're searching for good times
But just wait and see”

Cain will have to take Jagger’s advice. Wait and see.

Another reason I am better than Kim Kardashian

6 years ago, my husband and I danced to “At Last” by Etta James at our wedding reception. We said our “I dos” in a church in front of close family and friends. My hard-working groom spent the entire summer prior to our engagement saving for my engagement ring. We have not made approximately $250,000 each day we have been married, but real commitment does not have a price tag. E! TV was not taping our wedding ceremony as though we were the royal family. Our wedding cost as much as Kim Kardashian’s cake. We did not have a TV special or an 18 million dollar pay-out. I guess Ryan Seacrest’s invite was lost in the mail. Oh, well. At least we have been married for more than 72 days. A Kardashian wedding; millions. Seacrest's gift; thousands. An actual marriage that lasts due to vows taken seriously in front of family and friends; priceless. If the cost of a wedding is any indication of how long a couple is going to be married, my husband is stuck with me for a long, long time.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Bigger Isn't Always Better

Republicans and Democrats rarely agree. One issue liberals and conservatives do agree on is that there is a healthcare crisis and obesity epidemic in America. So why, with over 33% of Americans obese, do many Republicans still want New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, to run for President? The Governor’s ideology and tell-it-like-is way is appealing to most conservatives. But what appeals to most people in a Presidential candidate is a role model; someone who represents what our country should be. Considering Christie was rushed to the hospital in July for complications with his asthma (which his doctor cited as asthma due to his weight), his health should be of concern not only to himself, but also to his supporters.

Of course, other candidates have had health issues. Obama admitted to smoking, McCain had a serious bout of melanoma. Vice President Cheney had heart problems. Should Americans withhold a vote for an overweight candidate? Governor Christie has admitted that he struggles with overeating, so his obesity is not a glandular problem. Doctors have long stated that being overweight causes other health issues such as diabetes, heart disease, and asthma. As President, Christie would be under more stress than he already is as Governor of the Garden State. Being in good health should be a consideration when voting for the leader of the United States.

The President does not need to look like George Clooney, although that wouldn't hurt. The President does need to be someone who is not an admitted over-eater, asthmatic, and obese.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Florida Pee-Party

Typical. People think that those on welfare are all lazy, uneducated drug addicts that want a handout. What a stuck-up, elitist attitude. As a tax-paying citizen, I hope my money isn't wasted on a BUNCH OF CLEAN PEE-PEE. Oh, and how convenient that Rick Scott's drug testing (among other services offered) company, Solantic, was sold to his wife weeks before he brought this idea to the State. This is one of those ideas, like smaller class sizes in schools, which sounds good in theory, but is actually a complete waste of tax payer dollars. Smaller class sizes SOUNDS GREAT-but who will fund the extra teachers for those extra classes? Drug testing welfare applicants sounds great, but who is paying for the clean pee? Tax payers.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Before & After: Religion Class Act

God calls us ALL, not just the know-it-alls. He doesn't care how well-versed you are in the Bible. As someone who was born and raised Catholic, it surprises me that those who call themselves Christian are the ones who act like they are in some exclusive fraternity and everyone else is beneath them due to not believing in what they believe. God gave us all FREE will. People will decide what they believe, on their terms. Forcing someone to change to believe what you do is not what God intended.